You guys are simply mind-blowing-pants-on-head-Sh**-eating-up-the-arse retarded!
Lets examine what these conferences ACTUALLY MEAN:
MICROSOFTIt started out nice.
Fallout 3 is a good game.
RE5 was as expected I guess and that co-op mode really excited many people.
Gears of War 2 was as expected, godlike. Why? Just look at those
backgrounds! That speechless fluid action! I have never seen anything else like it! Killzone 2 may be able to compare, maybe ever be better looking, but saying Gears2 is like Gears1 or that Gears2 isn't graphically brutal is like saying your dad knocked-up your mom because he had lost his glasses.
Fable 2 looked boring at first. But that add-friends-to-your-world system is really interesting.
Talking about games, XBLA will be receiving some nice games. Portal up-your-face sequel, Galaga shiny sequel, and some others.
You have that eye-toy ripoff, You're in the Movies, that actually seams stupid enough to have some fun.
Scene It! really.. just no.
And Lips. Lips is like MS's way of saying "
you Playstation buyers" with a delicate and sensual voice and then kill you family and send their body parts to Canada. C'mon! Have you never thought why you couldn't use you're won music on Singstar? There is a difference between HAVING brutal amounts of cash, like MS, and WANTING brutal amounts of cash, like Sony. For PS3 users to get music you have to buy them. Xbox users connect their iPods. What's interesting, is that Beats, a PSP music game made by London Studio (creators of Singstar), allows custom music. Enjoy your wired microphones.
The new Dashboard is finally better looking than the PS3's XMB. It has a sweet interface and new functions. The avatars have the simplicity of the Mii and the features of Home. True you can't run around smelling other avatar's arses, but if you are buying a PS3 so that you can play Second Life, then you deserve buying a PS3.
Ok, so the conference started out great, went a bit downhill, the Dashboard thing brought it back to an exciting level, Netflix killed the movie-rental business, and now what?
Well Square-Enix announces 360 exclusive JRPGs. Star Ocean 4 was the one that caught my attention but there wasn't much information.
So we are ending the conference and the Square-Enix japanese dude say's he "forgot" to show us something... And BAMM!! PS3 owners shat bricks like if they have opened business in brick-shitting.
There are 3 games that are keeping the PS3 alive. MGS4 of course, GT5 which will in no doubt be released only for the PS3, and FFXIII. Well since there is no exclusivity in FFXIII that means that you only have 66% reasoning to get a PS3.
It isn't a matter of PS3 owners not getting FFXIII, they will get it. But potential buyers only interested in the PS3 because of FFXIII can now get it in a half-the-price console that is showing much more power and much more effort in satisfying real game-players. That's what the 360 showed to be in this conference a GAMING machine. Movies are secondary.
What effort does Sony have for satisfying gamers? Enjoy your firmware 2.40. Which should have been released like 2.4 YEARS AGO. Oh, right.. You didn't have a PS3 back then.. Oh well..
NINTENDOThis conference showed why Nintendo is THE BOSS.
THINK about it for a moment. They are releasing an accessory that does n o t h i n g. Why on earth will you add motion sensing to a motion sensing controller? BUT, Reggie showed that it was fun as hell! So.. yeah.. it look interasting.. kinda.
Wii Music look
AWESOME. I'm not kidding with this, I am getting a Wii because of that game. It showed to be pant-dropping awesome. Shut the
up you pussies who are saying that it's a "dumbed down" version of Rock Band. Oh, yeah.. Rock Band let's you make a BAND wooooooooooooow It has THREE INSTRUMENTS woooooooooow and you can only play what THEY WANT YOU TO woooooooooooow and you have to pay a bucket load of cash for new songs! WOOOOOOOW
You completely miss the point. Wii Music is about getting everyone who would like to play music to do it FREELY, they can play whatever they LEARN, but don't have the necessary skills/time. And learning to play FIFTY INSTRUMENTS must be cool. The drum-set is way better than RB/GH. Actually, GH now allows you to create your own songs too. But it's really different..
Moving on you have some game announcements. The new DS Pokemon was already known of for some months. And WOHA!! GTA? Srsly. For the DS? I was incredulous! It's awesome.
It was nice to see Nintendo executives play the Super Mario theme song at the end. It showed what the Wii is all about: Having FUN with your friends.
That pretty much sums the better moments..
SONYIt seems that Sony hasn't fully recovered from the 2006 crab-tacular conference. But at least the man was captivating with his passive, polite and eloquent talking. Only if the content was better...
I laughed when I saw Bioshock footage at the intro.
Little Big Planet, the next big step of business presentations! So the niche the game is aimed at is business executives I guess.
Little Big Planet looked like a gimmick. A fun gimmick. For like... 20minutes. What is the point? I didn't get it, sorry.
Sony made an incredible effort in spending the most time possible talking about it's legacy, and made look that people don't need a PS3 because the PS2 is still strong. Allow me to correct this sentence: people don't need a PS3 because the PS2 is the only home console that gives Sony profit. There you go..
Home is like that cockroach that the closer you get the faster it runs. How hard can it be making a
Second Life clone?!
So a good thing now, PS3 games at 30$! Awesome! Besides me having bought half of those games on the Xbox for 15$ A YEAR AGO. Not.
. Kidding.
God, Resistance 2.. Speechless, unbelievable, astonishing... HOW can you still call Halo overrated?
Killzone 2, the only good reason to watch this conference in HD. The first one on the PS2 sucked. This one seems pretty nice. Graphically on par with Gears2 I'dd say.
Ratchet and Clank: Quest for
Cock up the Arse Booty. I think we all feel the same about this game, moving on.
The rest of the conference was really boring. Although there is one more positive note besides Killzone 2 showing some clips of how games will look in 2 years: M.A.G. 256 players shooting themselves up online at the same time! This game not only will take the PS3 to the max, but also your Internet bandwidth! Enjoy your lag feast soon in your PS3 entertainment system!
CONCLUSIONMicrosoft was the easy winner with one of the best E3 moments of all time.
What all this means:
Xbox will be getting nice games, shitty games and new features.
Wii will be getting nice games, unnecessary peripherals and fun music-making software.
PS3 will be getting crabs.
Prove me wrong bitches.