Post by randomdrifter865 on Aug 12, 2010 8:41:46 GMT 2
This is just out of boredom really ,but I kinda wanna go through a big LOZ Equipment study. And by study I mean like through all the games many incarnations of the same fun loving equipment mechanics of the games I've played just to let out my gamer nerd and get it out of my system.
Before I start with this long pointless and unnessary thread when we got a wikia dedicated for this kind of thing already I just wanna go over some things in my own words and thoughts ;however, I'm afraid this equipment examination will be incomplete because I haven't played certain Zelda Games which are Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link, Link's Awakening, Minish Cap, Phantom Arrow Glass and Spirit Tracks. And no we will not do an examination of the Zelda Games for the CDI aka the unholy triforce.
Again I apologize for such a pointless thread ,but this is just something for the sake of my own boredom and love for this series. So please don't attack because I did this out of a wimb or that this is rather pointless. Just looking for a moral booster and to get things out of my mind.
What I like to go over are the weapons, where the weapon first appeared how many times it was used, its variations usefulness and neat tricks with them. ;D And of course some rather opinionated banter.
Post by randomdrifter865 on Aug 12, 2010 9:42:05 GMT 2
Good old hack and slash weapon of the adventurer or hero to a tale and is defently not a stranger to this series as its always been your main form of combat since the original LOZ.
Wooden Sword First appeared in LOZ Last used in LOZ Oracle of Seasons and Ages
The first sword you ever got and the most useless till you got the next sword upgrade. In LOZ it was the weakest sword and still was in later games. Given to you by an old man that always stalked you in LOZ. My personal nickname the toothpick ,but don't be alarmed it has some usefulness as it is your main attack weapon for a good while and remember the good sword upgrades after wards. It gave the option to shoot sword beams if you haven't lost a piece of health ,but if you take one hit you lose that power till you find another heart, This sword loses this ability in later incarnations in favor for the almighty spin slash in the GBP and GBC Zelda games.
The White Sword First appeared and last appeared in LOZ
The second upgrade in the first LOZ game ,but was defently an improvement over the Wooden sword ,but still suffered the sword beam problem yet again. Personally I found this 8 bit sword a bit likable because it was a real sword and not an apprentice's teaching tool. Funny story is you can get this sword just as soon as you start the game a little after you get you the Wooden Sword.
The Magical Sword First appeared and last appeared in LOZ
The Third and Final upgrade to the Sword line in LOZ the best sword of the three and makes mincemeat at just about anything. again still suffered the sword beam problem ,but makes up for it power and cheapness. Though does look more epic looking you can't get this sword till after completing Dungeon 4 or 5.
Soldier Sword First Appeared and last appeared in LOZ A Link to the Past
Now heres a better starter sword thats a real starter sword. At this point they got rid of the sorta useful beam sword in favor of what would be Link's Signature Move the Spin Slash. Good starter till you got the Master Sword.
Master Sword First appeared in LOZ A Link to the Past and continues to be present staple with a few exceptions.
Well here is the Sword of Evils bane the one and only Master Sword. Now almost every game that involves this sword is always finding a way to unlock the darn thing in the first place as if Link wasn't worthy to really wield it ,but eventually does gets old ,but its a classic way in a Hero's tale right? Find the weapon because you are the chosen one yatta yatta and are destined to wield it. And low and behold after struggling through the dungeons and or trials to get the darn thing (Or dealing with certain annoyances) you get the sword. For cinematic value this sword has had so many remakes of it and you wonder why each time its not the same Master Sword you struggled to get the last time, but only its cooler ,but has a drawback to just lifting it out of its pedestal.
In Oracle of Seasons and Ages this was a secret sword you could get through a linked game which was the result of beating the sister game and upon completing the trading game you'd get this sword instead of the other sword you get normally at the end. It also comes with the same evil beam slash technique which again is not needed.
Tampered Sword First and Last appeared in a LOZ a Link to the Past
This was the third sword you got ,but it just an upgraded Master Sword with a new trim design if you got board of the signature blue like hue to it. You get this sword by saving a Dwarven brother from Dark World.
The Golden Sword First and last appeared in LOZ a Link to the Past
This was the final sword upgrade man was it the most useful when you really needed it Granted it isn't a real necessity as the other upgrade ,but if you just want to enjoy the secret why not? This time its again an upgraded Master Sword with power given by a Great Fairy in the Pyramid of Power after opening the entrance with a super bomb.
The Kokiri Sword First and last appeared in LOZ Ocarina of Time
You first sword as you get as young Link and probably the most iconic for me even though its more smaller then most of the other sword later in the game its defently useful in the early game thank to L targeting and combos given so early. Thank you 3D.
The Giant's Knife First and last appeared in LOZ Ocarina of Time
Let me get this straight is this Sword or Knife to the Goron who made it worth it? No ,but if you want some decent power granted you don't really need it waste 200 rupees then and see if this was a worthy investment because after several swings or hitting against something hard i breas and you can try Wimpy Spin Slash with this its funny ,but you gotta look back at the waste of the investment of hard earned Rupees to get this POS. Don't worry though its a decent sword if you need to get out of a quick pinch or just want to finish a boss in the most epic way possible which for me is breaking it as I unleash my final lunging blow. This one of the many big swords to be weiled two handed meaning you can't use you shield ,but you can still block with it which is a nice touch I think.
The Big Goron's Sword First appeared in LOZ Ocarina of Time last used in LOZ Oracle of Seasons and Ages
Now heres a sword worth mentioning the catch it requires a rather extensive trading games to get it which if you don't know where all the locations are for the items this Sword is just a dream ,but don't fret it can be found early in fact as soon as you become an Adult just need Epona and know where to go and what shortcuts to take. Its very powerful and epic to use.
In LOZ Oracle of Seasons and Ages this sword is a secret till you get a linked game and find a password in the game to unlock it. Once you do it again it takes up two hands ,but you can't use other equipment and it can't spin slash and has a slow sword strike rate. Still very powerful to see a return.
Hero's Sword First Appeared in LOZ Majoro's Mask last appeared in LOZ Windwaker possibly after ward IDK...
This was the Sword you first get well actually have on you in Majoro's Mask which means Link defently got better sword and retired the Kokiri Sword for a sword made of Hylian steal. Though still functions the same ,but its defently a nice blade.
In Windwaker this is the default sword till you again get the Master Sword ,but this sword is defently better due to the improvement in Sword combat with the timed strikes and not to mention the most enjoyable because my favorite character the old man in that game gives this to you along with tutorial of how to fight in this game.
Talon Sword First and last appeared in LOZ Majoro's Mask
Though I'm not sure if thats the name of the sword ,but it much like the Giant's Knife and costs the same though its defently not that worthless as in it takes 100 strikes before it actually reverts back to the Hero's Sword. I never actually got to really use this sword because I got the real upgrade for the Sword first by accident.
The Gilded Sword First and last appeared in LOZ Majoro's Mask
Now this sword is longer than the Hero's sword ,but still weiled in typical faction. It's required the gold dust you win from the Goron Races. The sword is defently a bigger improvement and not limited to 100 strikes and reverted back to the initial sword. Though a bit gaughy in design ,but it's still lovable and a must.
The Great Fairy Sword First and last appeared in LOZ Majoro's Mask
Now from what I understand the sword isn't bad its just placed wrongly in the hands as a C stick weapon of the N64 and Game cube controller. Its strong ,but due to how its used its kind of sad. This is one of the special upgrades you get for finding the pieces of the broken Great Fairy in one of the later dungeons. Its also one of the last two handed swords you get to use and keep.
The Noble Sword First and last appeared in LOZ Oracle of Seasons and Ages
This was the actual second sword upgrade you got in either game via the trading game normally ,but its a good sword ,but suffer the Beam Sword flaw as well ,but fires the blade not the hilt with it.
The Fore Sword or Four Sword (I'm not sure how its pronounced) First appeared in LOZ Four Sword Adventures Last used in LOZ the Minish Cap
Though the sword first came in Four Sword Adventures it actually exists in the prequel to four swords the Minish Cap minus the ability to split into four. Anyways back on track this sword isn't bad at all its just a hassle to always get 2000 force gems in a level at a time in order to get to the next level repeating said process. The sword can fire beams regardless of health and can unleash the deadly Tornado slash introduced in LOZ Windwaker. Though it is fun to hear four Links scream then get dizzy it does get rather redundant after a while just keep this sword powered up. This sword sealed another villain which the games didn't really involve Ganon much ,but a Wind Sorcerer named Vaati which is a change of pace ,but in the other game he summons Ganon again...
The Ordon Sword First and last appeared in LOZ Twilight Princess
A good sword for the first sword you get and also a little longer ,but not so epic as the Master Sword you get again.
Sword Techniques:
Since we got into swords why not end with the many sword techniques these mighty blades got to use.
Beam Sword or Beam Slash First appeared in LOZ Last used in LOZ Oracle of Seasons and Ages
Probably in my opinion the worst sword technique in existance ,but it is useful if you don't wanna get close to your enemies which defeats the purpose of the sword which basically is designed to get in front of your enemy and slash away. It has gotten me out of manybattles in a lot of occasions ,but I still managed to get hit. In the first LOZ you fired it from the blade with hilt in LOZ A link to the past the beam was fired in a circuler patturn and by LOZ Oracle of Seasons and ages it just fired the blade beam.
This technique can be useful if it weren't for the the one hit rule no use beam afterward, but I digress as the game probably would have been too easy if you could rely on that tech at all times. The skill can be improved though via rings only LOZ Oracle of Seasons and Ages through a ring called the light Ring which had 3 levels and each level gave you additional time to make mistake by getting hit.
Up Thrust First and last appeared in LOZ 2: Link's Adventure
This was a move from what I understand let Link Jump thrust upward which was useful in Smash Bros to knock oncoming enemies form the air back into the air.
Down Thrust First and appeared in LOZ 2: Link's Adventure
This was a move that functioned opposite from the first thrust obviously. Good on those stuborn small ground enemies even in Smash Bros.
The Spin Slash First appeared in LOZ a Link to the Past and has been in every game till present.
This became a staple to Link every since the SNES title hit the scene. Unlike most sword techniques thus far it actually requires you to hold the button down and let it charge then release for a more powerful sword swipe.
In LOZ Ocarina of time and in every 3D zelda this spin slash does consume magic and can be charged to a second level Spin Slash a stronger and given more strike wave of energy. You can use it wihtout consuming magical energy ,but requires a quick full 360 degree motion on the D stick to use.
Pegasus charge First appeared in LOZ a Link to the Past Last used in LOZ Fore Sword Adventures
This tech could be executed if you wore the Pegasus Boots and used the button command to activate it and hold it down to charge quickly at your enemies at high speed though hard to control it is useful for getting things off of a higher objects by ramming into it. You are vulnerable after ramming into something though.
Combo Slashing First appeared in LOZ Ocarina of time till present in the 3D Zelda games.
With the Dawn of 3D Link didn't need to just slash once which is nice depending how you unleash the combo which could vary without L targeting.
The L target slash First appeared in LOZ Ocarina of time till present in the 3D Zelda games.
With the revelotionary targeting system in play Link could do more than slash air ,but he could now precisely strike his enemies. He can also thrust while targeting his enemy.
The Jump Slash First appeared in LOZ Ocarina of time till present in the 3D Zelda games.
This skill is just as powerful as a first level Spin Slash ,but doesn't require charging at all you can even L target with this and land the final blow on your enemy epically for that Hollywood finish.
Crouching Sheild Shuffle First appeared in LOZ Ocarina of Time Lst used in Majoro's Mask
Okay now this isn't really an attack ,but rather a glitch you could perform while just holding your sheild crouching and only with the one handed swords obviously all you have to do is release sheild then back and Link does a pethetic slash animation with it. Though its kind of neat and helpful ,but it does leave you ill mobile and defently open from behind attack. make it sort of a pro's technique or if he's bored.
Timed action slashes First appeared in LOZ Windwaker till present in the 3D Zelda Games
This was defently a handy set of sword play that sets up your enemies in so many ways. Once their open Link could cut away at weaknesses as soon as they were open than bamb death or close to death depending on what sword you had. These techniques do have names ,but not intill LOZ Twilight Princess known as the Skull Splitter and Rolling Slash. The Skull Spliter was basically a fancy flip slash and the Rolling Slash made Link role around and attack from behind.
The Tornado Slash First appeared in LOZ Wind Waker Last used in LOZ The Minish Cap
This is considered the improved version of the Spin Slash requiring you to hold the button down longer to charge all away till you release and you get see Link(s) Spin Slash all over the place like a buzzsaw. The catch is it made you dizzy and uses a good chunk of magic as well ,but devasting. Can leave you vulnerable.
Drop Slash First appeared in LOZ Fore Sword Adventures Last used in Minish Cap supposedly...
This technique required the Roc's Feather or being fired out of a cannon to use. Though its not exactly and accurate attack and can be useful in area with mutliple enmeis hundled near the hole you get fired out of though its not as effective as the Roc's Feather one.
Finisher First and last appeared in LOZ Twilight Princess
This move basically let's Link finish an enemy if it were on the ground after being knocked by something or your slashing combo. Link just jumps at the thrusting that sword into their heart. You learned this move from a ghost of a hylian knight with no name so to speck and that's how you learn all you swordsmanship during the course of the game.
Samurai Finisher or Mortal Strike First and last appeared in LOZ Twilight Princess
Though I can't remember what the tech was called ,but this tech basically is like a shoot out first to draw wins though most of time its Link that wins and not the enemy. This requires you not to have your sword drawn out and not L targeting an enemy and the enemy charging at you. Then the command pops up and you press it and Link kills the enemy in one shot. Though it obviously doesn't work on bosses ,but most enemies don't stand up to it to well. Link ends it cooly by resheathing his sword like a gunslinger with his Colt Peacemaker.
Charged Jump Slash First and last appeared in LOZ Twilight Princess
Just think of it as a spin slash without the spin simply hold down the button while L targeting and lunge foreward leaving a shockwave at the end. Its my most favorite technique of that game.
Horse back Swordplay First and last appeared in LOZ Twilight Princess
Here we go something that makes Link truly a horseman able to slash both sides and Spin Slash while on Epona. Very handy if you like to travel on horseback in Twilight Princess though if anything its more to show off How Link's evolved in the 3D games ,but necessary in some parts of the game.
Post by Nazeres on Aug 12, 2010 11:14:26 GMT 2
My god, you love LOZ games.... Your the first person i met that loves Zelda that much. Nice going
Post by randomdrifter865 on Aug 12, 2010 19:25:35 GMT 2
It something I grew up with though I never did get to play any a game in the series till age 12 so in essence I do not count much according to old school gamers ,but I never gave a damn what others thought of me in that respect, but yes I do have a love for this series because its remeberable for me just like any good series I grew up with. I am an adult now and play these games from time to time be almost 20 this year and still holding on to something that was a part of my childhood which others find a bit sad and pathetic ,but again I don't care. I really do hate this generation of gaming because there is't much to be like a treasure for me to enjoy. The things I enjoy are sequals of older games some more than others and the only new game I really picked up was Fallout 3.
Post by randomdrifter865 on Aug 12, 2010 19:57:36 GMT 2
A good defense is a good offense and some of the Shields take that literally.
Small Shield First and last appeared in LOZ
With this shield in tow it wasn't that bad it blocked most attacks except enemies and magical attacks. You can stand in front and face danger or you can simply just be a vulnerable tree with this shield.
Magical Shield First and last appeared in LOZ
Its a bigger shield and blocks magical attacks though not a big improvement it does serve its purpose well. Can be eaten by a Like Like and force you to buy another for 90 rupees or a 150 rupees.
Soldier Shield First and last appeared in LOZ A Link to the Past
The only thing I liked about this shield is you could actually block with it be a pressing a certain button and move around with it which I think is an improvement ,but lack something in all the same.
Red Shield First and last appeared in LOZ a Link to the Past.
Its very much like the magical shield just Red and thats it.
Mirror Shield First appeared in LOZ a Link to the Past Last used in LOZ Windwaker
Now heres a shield that is favorite of mine more so in Ocarina of Time. In a Link to the Past this shield was big ,but it was only used to get through some portions of the last two dungeons. The one in LOZ Ocarina of Time was an improvement because you could reflect magic back at a boss and deflect Sunlight by angling it in different directions. Same for Windwaker minus the cool store magical energy trick.
In LOZ Oracle of Seasons and Ages this was also a secret shield available again in a linked games as a password and functioned basically the same as many other Shields minus the reflect magic part and only there for appearance I think.
Deku Shield First and last appeared in LOZ Ocarina of Time
I really hated this shield because it could be burned and eaten ,but overall it wasn't that bad if you knew what you were doing to not spend another 40 rupees for another one.
Hylean Sheild First appeared in LOZ Ocarina of Time Last used in LOZ Twilight Princess
This was a nice shield made of steal and how you got it is purely was up to you. You get it as a secret for free, you could buy it for a full 80 rupees or if you helped a guard get it at a discount, but like the Deku Shield you had to replace it if eaten. As young Link you could become a turtle like literally. Though because it was big in fact just as big as young Link it couldn't be used like a normal shield till you were an adult.
Hero's Shield First appeared in LOZ Majoro's Mask Last used in LOZ Minish Cap
This was an iron shield Link could use in the sequel though I am not sure it had an upgrade or was the only shield you could get in that game. same applied in four sword sense I assuming its the same shield for that style of Link.
Wooden Shield First and last appeared in LOZ Oracle of Season and Ages
Ack why now have something wooden again for the 2D games! Okay so it isn't so bad it doesn't burn functioned like the small shield with a nifty ability of pushing you enemies back which is actually how a shield should work in the beginning ,but never really caught on.
Iron Shield First and last appeared in LOZ Oracle of Season and Ages
A nice shield granted its bigger and functions the same as the wooden shield ,but can block more projectile types.
Ordon Shield First and last appeared in LOZ Twilight Princess
This is basically the Deku shield all over again and it smaller and less epic looking.
Sheild technique Now there is only one real physical technique for the shield and I mean only one.
Shield Bash First and last appeared in LOZ Twilight Princess
It functions basically as a way to stun an enemy and set them up for a combo or time actioned command it was very useful and defently an improvement.
Post by randomdrifter865 on Aug 13, 2010 3:19:23 GMT 2
Well without these how would a Hero dress properally? The Tunic has been Link's main attire since day one and usually a green one with a weird hat resembling a keebler elf in some form.
The Original Tunic First appeared in LOZ Last used in LOZ 2 Link's Adventure
This tunic was brown and green and probably the most primitive in design ever ,but you can't be picky because this is his first default outfit. From observation this tunic is the pits because you can take a lot of damage quickly. With the aid of the Blue and Red Power Rings the Tunic will go from a light blue then to a red each reducing the amount of damage an enemy has dealt on you.
This is where the tradition of the tunic has become a staple ,but changed by the time LOZ Ocarina of Time hit the scene.
Hylean Tunic First and last appeared in LOZ A Link to the Past
This tunic is what that Link wore ,but I'm sure it was simply called the Green tunic ,but can't remember. Though in my opinion a little more stylish ,but a little drab. This is the first tunic you start with and isn't so bad as the original tunic till you get to Dark World and it really shows its age quick. In similar fashion to the rings Link can aquire two other tunics each performing the same function by reducing the amount of damage dealt to you. Blue then Red both are dungeon items that you can get if you want as they aren't totally necessary to haveto beat the game ,but can make love bearable in the many challenges ahead of you.
Kokiri Tunic First appeared in LOZ Ocarina of Time Last used in LOZ Majoro's Mask
This is the tunic Young Link starts with in both of the N64 classics and the same tunic that gets magically tailored to the adult sized tunic when Link gets sealed away for seven years. In both ages this tunic is the default and standard for you to wear ,but retain the same damage rate.
Goron Tunic First and last appeared in LOZ Ocarina of Time
Now this tunic is one of those key tunics to wear in its given scenario. This tunic can protect from the heat of Death Mountains's creater it also lets the user be temporary protected from lava. I nice tunic ,but only useful for that purpose other than being a different color for a change if you hate the typical green fare. It can be eaten by Like Likes though.
Zora Tunic First appeared in LOZ Ocarina of Time last used in LOZ Twilight Princess
Also known as this games Diving suit and my favorite tunic in LOZ Ocarina of Time, this tunic prevents you from suffocating and granted you the ability to swim 5 paces defaultly in water. When worn with the Iron boots its a good combo sadly in this tunic you can use certain weapons ,but can use the hook shoot as your main form of attack.Can be eaten by Like Likes.
In LOZ Twilight Princess this Tunic get revamped and in a good way and isn't actually a tunic ,but armor for underwater combat again it can be paired with the Iron Boots ,but this time the user takes double damage from ice and fire though if used on land. I like the improvement and the fact you can really swim for real and battle just as effectively with it on.
Hero's Tunic (The invisible Tunic) First appeared in LOZ Windwaker last used in LOZ Twilight Princess
According to legend this is tunic worn by the Hero of Time and The Hero who used the Four Sword. This is you standard and only tunic you get looks similiar to Adult Links outfit ,but tuned down for a cartoonic feel ,but does come in four color flavors in LOZ Foursowrd Adventures Green, Red, Blue and Purple. The invisible Tunic is more of a joke secret that lets the user keep his defaut clothing on the Crawdad shirt and outfit which is kind of a change ,but not that bad for second replay option.
The one in LOZ is Adult Link's tunic revised in a more adventuring manor.
The Crawdad Tunic First and last appeared in LOZ Windwaker.
This Link's normal everyday clothes you get to wear this for a while though I do enjoy different outfits this one just makes you wonder. This is of course you get the invisible tunic you see this outfit forever and everyone assumes you are wearing the Hero's Tunic at all times too as if you were wearing it.
Ordon Outfit First and last appeared in LOZ Twilight Princess
This isn't a tunic its just Link's farm clothes defantly a change again ,but very similir in idea to the Crawdad Tunic till he gets the Hero's Tunic.
The Magic Armor First and last appeared in LOZ Twilight Princess
It defently another first ,but a very terrible concept for Link to grasp. I like to call this armor geed for the fact it drains you of your rupees like candy and once its drained you walk all heavy like as if you were wearing the Iron Boots. You can still fight ,but terribly. Though it is nice for a few things like being invulnerable and hits transfer to the rupees. I could think of it as an armor with a price.
Post by Miguel on Aug 15, 2010 1:25:15 GMT 2
My god, you love LOZ games.... Your the first person i met that loves Zelda that much. Nice going Pfft. This is amateur hour. I've got a good lot to say about the characters and stories of the games. I just don't post it because I ask myself "If I posted this, who would give a Sh**?", and the answer tells me I should keep it to myself.
Post by randomdrifter865 on Aug 15, 2010 4:11:20 GMT 2
Amateur sounds cool to me. ;D So how you been Miguel? Hows life these days for you?
Post by VileMKII on Aug 17, 2010 1:07:12 GMT 2
My god, you love LOZ games.... Your the first person i met that loves Zelda that much. Nice going Pfft. This is amateur hour. I've got a good lot to say about the characters and stories of the games. I just don't post it because I ask myself "If I posted this, who would give a Sh**?", and the answer tells me I should keep it to myself. NO! This is why this site is dying, people are keeping to themselves!
Post by Nazeres on Aug 17, 2010 12:32:13 GMT 2
who dare you say this site is dying! if it wasen't for randomswabie over here, this site would be gone
Post by Miguel on Aug 18, 2010 3:49:41 GMT 2
Pfft. This is amateur hour. I've got a good lot to say about the characters and stories of the games. I just don't post it because I ask myself "If I posted this, who would give a Sh**?", and the answer tells me I should keep it to myself. NO! This is why this site is dying, people are keeping to themselves! Point one: Spamming would only lead to banning (As I learned in my dealings with a certain similar forum that a bunch of people I know here still have accounts on). If I don't honestly think it could lead to discussion, I don't post it. Point two: If you're so desperate to save this place, you go make some topics.
Post by randomdrifter865 on Aug 18, 2010 4:47:00 GMT 2
Okay thats a enough already whats done is done and it can't be undone what was said here I don't want this to turn into something else brothers. I do not mind what people have on personal opinions and if you notice I was fine and peachy about what was said in response to what I have been writing which I think is grand negative or positive ,but I agree with a couple of things to what was said.
1.Keeping to yourself is purely up to you and its alright to tell how you feel because I am no stranger and obviously I'm cool about it.
2. There is always better discussions and this is more to get something out of my system because I haven't been myself for a while at the home front. So this was a bit personal, but what I got is what I get and I respect that.
3.Don't jump the gun either my brothers because if you noticed this thread got a little hot quickly without trying ,but thankfully it wasn't the level of idiotocracy of the other board I go to because we are better than that and in esssence know each other well enough by now.
Sorry for sounding like a mom ,but I didn't want things to escalate into something else between three good brothers I like to talk to a lot if I get the chance. All I can say now is thanks for reading and I'll add more to this a little at the time because strolling down LOZ lane is a bit of a task as I do not remember every little tidbit of each game like I do a Megaman game or something else that well.