Zero 4
Jan 22, 2006 3:11:29 GMT 2
Post by Chaos Tank on Jan 22, 2006 3:11:29 GMT 2
That is what should happen seeing as the mother elf, the thing that both z2 and z3 revolved around does not even make an appearance in z4. But Inafune isn't going to make a z5. Regarding his decisions of late, it appears as though he's actually working to destroy capcom.
Robot Master
omnimon owns
Posts: 330
Zero 4
Jan 22, 2006 6:57:23 GMT 2
Post by Crazyace on Jan 22, 2006 6:57:23 GMT 2
i dont think they would use the guardians cuz the game is just mainly called megaman zero
Zero 4
Jan 22, 2006 8:42:31 GMT 2
Post by Chaos Tank on Jan 22, 2006 8:42:31 GMT 2
That doesn't mean zero needs to be the only character. It may be his game but if he were all alone that wouldn't be any fun. The guardians have become a part of the story and that's why so many were angry that they were shafted.
Robot Master
omnimon owns
Posts: 330
Zero 4
Jan 22, 2006 19:50:59 GMT 2
Post by Crazyace on Jan 22, 2006 19:50:59 GMT 2
yeah but zero was all alone from z1 to z4 and they were still all great games
Zero 4
Mar 23, 2006 5:50:41 GMT 2
Post by Darc Abyss on Mar 23, 2006 5:50:41 GMT 2
the lazt resistance soiders (im looking at you, ceravue) could build him a new body, find the cyber elf him, and use the mother elf to bring him back. i mean his body was already a copy, so why not build a Copy Zero Mk.2?
Pariah Ronin
His true origin and purpose are a total mystery...
Posts: 73
Zero 4
Mar 23, 2006 6:51:07 GMT 2
Post by Pariah Ronin on Mar 23, 2006 6:51:07 GMT 2
How people would know how to build a Zero body from the ground up? Its not like he's an actual reploid. He wasn't based off of X, so what? You gotta design a new type of body from scratch. Then you gotta find the Bassium, Zero's energy supply, to make that body, and not by some amatuer either. After all the original Zero body was how you masterfully apply that stuff into a robot body, not some accidental experiment.
To sum it up, building a Zero body is alot tougher than building an X body. X was the basis for all, reploids so understanding his systems isn't that hard, because he's been the study of about 90% of all reploid engineers.
Zero has had what? A small handful of guys even look at his systems, and only 3 to date know exactly whats going on in there. Cerveau might of made him weapons and occasionally applied a bandage to Zero's body, but hes no where near qualified to make a new Zero body from his small knowledge of Zero.
Zero 4
Mar 23, 2006 8:07:20 GMT 2
Post by Chaos Tank on Mar 23, 2006 8:07:20 GMT 2
I think Ciel would be more qualified than Cerveau to build it, she built Copy X after all. But Pariah Ronin's right, Zero wouldn't be easy to build. Everyone has X's blueprints but Zero is a mystery.
Zero 4
Mar 23, 2006 13:54:36 GMT 2
Post by Raikon on Mar 23, 2006 13:54:36 GMT 2
But you must remember that Wily made Zero out of X. Wily stole X's blueprints and from those, he made Zero.
Pariah Ronin
His true origin and purpose are a total mystery...
Posts: 73
Zero 4
Mar 24, 2006 0:20:02 GMT 2
Post by Pariah Ronin on Mar 24, 2006 0:20:02 GMT 2
When or where do we learn this in any series?
Zero 4
Mar 24, 2006 7:24:24 GMT 2
Post by Darc Abyss on Mar 24, 2006 7:24:24 GMT 2
um, in one game (which i love ;D) Wily explains to Bass that he is an accident. and he explains that he is workin on a new robot, and the design plans were never metioned. also it look like something wily himself would make. yes i know "it" is called Zero, but at the time he had no name. another thing, if Zero was based on X, where is the Copy weopon ability? sure he has something similar, but not exact. and i think wily would have put a fail safe on him if he didnt obay, mainly because of Bass. what ever. im stopping there
Pariah Ronin
His true origin and purpose are a total mystery...
Posts: 73
Zero 4
Mar 24, 2006 22:02:32 GMT 2
Post by Pariah Ronin on Mar 24, 2006 22:02:32 GMT 2
Megaman Power Battles 2?
Yea, I've seen that... awesome game though arcade, and therefore hard to get at and beat. But I was asking where Riakon got information saying that Zero's design was in any way shape or form based on X's design.
Zero 4
Mar 24, 2006 23:46:38 GMT 2
Post by Chaos Tank on Mar 24, 2006 23:46:38 GMT 2
I don't see how or when that could happen. I'm pretty sure Wily died before X was released from his capsel
Zero 4
Mar 25, 2006 4:27:23 GMT 2
Post by Raikon on Mar 25, 2006 4:27:23 GMT 2
I don't remember where I got that information, but I'm almost sure Zero was made out of X's blueprints.
X was only released by Dr.Cain but the plans were probably stolen by Bass or something
Pariah Ronin
His true origin and purpose are a total mystery...
Posts: 73
Zero 4
Mar 25, 2006 7:55:11 GMT 2
Post by Pariah Ronin on Mar 25, 2006 7:55:11 GMT 2
Zero is the result Doctor Wily's tinkering and perfecting of the use of Bassnium in Robotics... I highly doubt that X has anything to do with the substance... But thats just me...
Zero 4
Mar 26, 2006 9:07:31 GMT 2
Post by Darc Abyss on Mar 26, 2006 9:07:31 GMT 2
Well at least Zero was a good guy, and not a super psyco killing machine (no pun intended) but i think there might be a few things about zero's past that are completly looked over, so there might be an answer somewhere. well this is the internet, so among the useless crap among it, there is an answer...maybe...