Post by Netto on Dec 14, 2006 11:59:05 GMT 2
is the chat protected by any chance because ive seen CSI What do you mean "protected"? Anyone can access it. Though, i got a server watching the chat 24/7.
Post by Advent Axl on Dec 14, 2006 23:42:13 GMT 2
i mean usually people wound-up dead because. . .well you watch the news right
Post by Netto on Dec 15, 2006 0:31:12 GMT 2
Dude, if you mean people go chat and then randomly go meet people IRL that's just stupid. Just because you join a chat you don't have to go meet everyone IRL. Common sense is the key. Also, people should be smart enough to not go meet someone you just met in the net.
Post by Advent Axl on Dec 15, 2006 0:38:58 GMT 2
yeah now i feel safe! see thats why you are an administrator
Post by Netto on Dec 18, 2006 21:15:02 GMT 2
Server down for maintenance for 1 hour.
Post by Netto on Dec 19, 2006 15:49:45 GMT 2
Server down x hours for PROPER networking maintenance...
[update] Server is up again, reply in this thread if you get connection problems.
Post by Netto on Jan 3, 2007 14:18:42 GMT 2
Triplepost. Server down for upgrades and file-reorganizing. [EDIT] Might be down for quite a while... I'll never buy a D-Link product again. Ever. [/EDIT]
Post by viruszero on Jan 3, 2007 21:23:35 GMT 2
router blow up? if it's under warranty you can send it back... but if not might be easiest to junk it and buy a new one. (providing you have the extra funds, which if you don't... then you may need to try and fix the one you have.) Eitherway, take your time, and fix it so you won't have to mess with it again.
anyway, it doesn't matter for me, I couldn't connect anyway. (And I'm back at university so theres no chance now at all, the admins here don't allow us to open custom ports, I'm not even sure they allow us to connect online with our PS2/Xboxes... )
Post by Netto on Jan 3, 2007 21:25:59 GMT 2
router issues? anyway, it doesn't matter for me, I couldn't connect anyway. (And I'm back at university so theres no chance now at all, the admins here don't allow us to open custom ports, I'm not even sure they allow us to connect online with our PS2/Xboxes... ) The router is fine, just the new NIC for the server. A gigabit D-Link card that seem to not like gigabit networks/Netgear.
Post by Flamezero on Feb 16, 2007 4:48:09 GMT 2
The problem I have with this thing is.. (You are not welcome on this server: Your ISP has been banned from this network due to excessive bot activity and the lack of assistance from the company, please contact ttnet's customer services if this is a problem for you and explain that they should respond to abuse reports. Email usercom@zirc.org for more information.) Disconnected from irc.zirc.org " So yeah..Netto did you really ban me like you did in the comic I did for "fzb comic" That aside Seriously wut does this mean ?... Sorry If Im being a n00b xD
Post by viruszero on Feb 16, 2007 5:49:25 GMT 2
If you on a cycling ip then your ip may have been banned because someone else used it, got in trouble, was banned and waled away not to worry about others who may share the ip ( this is common with AOL connections, as they all share the same pool of ips... )
Resistance Soldier
Serchman Duos
Posts: 153
Post by ZDragon on Feb 16, 2007 10:08:05 GMT 2
Its a shame how no one uses the chat
Post by Dualzero on Feb 16, 2007 12:38:41 GMT 2
I was planning to use it before, but I simply couldn't be bothered.
Post by Omega on Feb 16, 2007 12:41:32 GMT 2
i used to use it, all the mods (well not all of them) were on it, but no one uses it anymore.
Post by Chrozs Areving on Feb 16, 2007 14:15:01 GMT 2
I used to visit it before x-mas. But after like one month later it`s all empty, a shame really, it was really nice to be there.
But that also doesn't mean I won't stop visit it. It would be nice with some company but I guess everyone has there lives to live.